< U.P. Blog

Vote for us for the Grant for Change. Deadline Aug 31st.

The Uniform Project has been nominated for the Grant for Change (G4C), a $10,000 award for those instigating positive change in their communities. The grant is sponsored by Nau – a Portland, Oregan based sustainable clothing company with a philanthropic mission. This grant will help us launch our non-profit foundation that will continue to bring you socially responsible creative projects such as the Uniform Project. The grant is now open to public votes, so if you support our cause please visit the nau site and vote for us! Voting is easy– All you do is log in and click the rating stars in the Rate/Share tab.
Learn more, see other nominees and vote for us at the G4C site. Deadline August 31st.


E.J.Starbuck says:
Sadly, The Uniform Project did not make it in the top ten rating percent. But we'd like to thank all of our loyal viewers for going and voting on us! We really appreciate all of the support.
2009-09-17 05:39:22
yobe says:
I checked and it looks like Sheena didn't make the final ten. So our votes didn't count that much, obviously. A great pity - although the finalists I'm sure are all very worthy
2009-09-17 04:50:40
Carole says:
Yeah, how did that turn out? Can I uncross my fingers yet?
2009-09-14 03:05:54
Wendie says:
Did you win?! I'm dying to know!!!
2009-09-09 21:00:39