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Goto Show

Picture this. Stillness in a room full of people. One pristine bell sounds … ding … and a figure walks through the room in a trance wearing indigo chain mail made of tiny hand stitched squares of denim, warrior paint on his face. It’s not a dream. It’s not reality. It’s Aki Goto.
Aki is like no other. The kind of person that you want to put in your back pocket and carry around. Her designs are just as unique. All of her pieces are made from discarded clothes given to her by friends. She’ll take your old skirt and turn it into She-Ra’s cape with a few folds and stitches. The beauty of her work is in its imperfection. The gorgeous raw edges make each piece human and her tongue-in-cheek sense of humor makes her work hard to stop staring at, because the longer you look, the more you see. Each piece comes with its own narrative that Aki weaves into the cloth, so when you put on one of her garments, you become one of her fantasies.
Aki Goto Backstage
Thanks Enrico for the photos, see more of his work at enricomoro.com>
The Performance
The models walked slowly and deliberately to the haunting chime of bells, broken glass, a ukulele, and a violin (played by Aki herself). And after making their way through the crowd, the models perched themselves on wooden stoops, painted to match their ensembles and then held still in a collective trance until the end of the song, at which point they came to life and the crowd was invited to talk and touch. The rest of the show was punctuated with spontaneous bursts of creativity. At one point, Aki took the mesh cloth that Sheena was wrapped in (which was made of a traditional Japanese duvet cover), attached some brass bells, and turned it into a musical instrument on the spot.
Aki Goto Performance
Oh, and speaking of reinterpretation, bonus points for anyone who recognizes Aki’s dress (center) that she made especially for the evening. Déjà vu anyone?
xo. wasabipear


19th day/ instead of sadness « AKIGOTO boutique says:
[...] こんにちは。今日は、私の素晴らしき友、まさみちゃんのカーテンから作られたポンチョを着ています。これは彼女が昔わたしにくれたカーテンで、ファッションショーのために作ったポンチョですが、彼女が実際ショーで着てくれた物です。そして、、今日珍しくアクセサリーをつけたのですが、このネックレス、ボーイフレンドのお姉さんが今日のスタイリングのために貸してくれた物です。お姉さんとそのかわいい王子様(8歳)が昨日の夜ここへ着きました。今日のスタイリングとこの背景に、ぴったりでしょう? 私は、これらすべての私におきている出来事ひとつひとつに感謝しています。この愛すべき友達のおかげで、私はこのポンチョを作る事ができました。この愛すべき彼のおかげで、私はこのすてきな場所にステイすることができ、すてきなネックレスをまとう事ができました♡ そしてこの、必ずしもラクチンとは言えない人生を生きている自分自身のおかげで、こんなに喜びを感じる事ができている。そしてもちろん、これらは私の愛すべき家族のおかげでもあります。 かつて、私は「世界人間自分上等じゃごるあ!!!」と思っていましたえへ♡それってとても悲しい時間です。そして私は、実際そこまで悲しいのなら、じゃあ私何を欲しる?と考えに考え抜きました。そして気づいた事、私は悲しみでなく、喜びを感じたかったのです。喜びを感じるとはどういうことか、そしてどうしたら感じられるのか、その後たくさん学びました。 そこらじゅうに、喜びが広がる事を願います。だって、喜びってすごいから。そして、songs for kidsにもたくさんの幸せが行き届くように。 幸せな一日を。輝 [...]
2010-12-19 18:58:05
Payal says:
Gorgeous! The post is so well written, it was like I was there. Aki's dress is your skirt-turned-poncho from Dec 21st!
2010-05-11 23:20:15
holly says:
Especially great last photo; mix up of cultures to match the redux threads.
2010-05-11 21:49:52
ina says:
sheena, you look so different in red! (not better or worse, just different), and yeah, wow, i love the skirt's new life...
2010-05-11 21:46:30
Susan V says:
Love the great quality of the photos & very fun!!!
2010-05-11 14:14:08
annie says:
Day 235!!
2010-05-11 13:28:05