Daily Candy Video
Same as it ever was
Music by Theresa Andersson
Still Photography by Sandra Dillon, fotografka.com
Friday July 3 2009
If wearing the same outfit three — okay, five — days in a row is wrong, we don’t want to be right. But 365 days in a row? There isn’t a European shower strong enough for that. Fortunately, Sheena Matheiken, the genius behind The Uniform Project, has seven copies of the cotton black dress she’s wearing every single day for a year — all in an effort to raise money for Indian school children living in slums.
We recently caught up with her to find out what it’s like slipping into the same thing every day, how she lands her amazing accessories, and if things ever get, um, smelly (turns out they don’t).
Matheiken left us feeling pretty inspired, and we hope you’ll feel the same after watching the video. Over and over and over again. Watch video >