Tuesday, December 7th

Day 7

as it is

hello friends! yesterday we stopped at Bad Lands National Park in south dakota which was too incredibly beautiful.. and after that, saw lots of natural woods driving. all the trees looked different than the city trees which i usually saw. here the natural ones are looking old, tired and some are totally dead. but beautiful i felt. i often think of “beauty”. i know there are many kinds of beauty in this world. in the fashion field there is cool-beauty, cute-beauty, sexy-beauty, avant-garde-beauty.. more more. and i often realize that i am attracted by “as-it-is-beauty”. have you ever felt this- if you keep wearing and washing your favorite t-shirt for years, the colors get discolored and the material gets old, but still you keep loving that change year by year. i like to keep the nice new dress as it is too, but sometimes love the change. i feel like clothes are living their own lives and getting old just like we humans. they are even changing to fit on you. everything in this world is mutable (sho-gyo-mu-jo in japanese). when some old people looked so beautiful to me, i felt it was impossible for me to get that beauty. because they have taken time to get it in their lives. i remember, my friend who passed away 1 year ago was so beautiful for several months at the end of her life. she had absolutely her own beauty and i was moved by its strength, which was of course her strength. i would like to respect the beauty as it is.

this paper jacket keeps changing alllll the time! is this paper jacket just getting torn? haha i agree but just love it. and will love its changed look in the future too. just like watching someone’s life. enjoy your day as it is, happy december 7 and see you tomorrow- xa. today’s outfit: my LBD, paper bag jacket by aki goto, black stockings, vintage leather boots.

japanese translation >



Love the last shot.

A long time ago

aki tagged this p.s

p.s, i appreciate all the comments! and was so glad when i read this cuz i always feel it, thanks for writing <3 – "It made me realize how lucky we are to be healthy, to be able to roam around, and to be able to see and experience beautiful things" by Erin (yesterday)

A long time ago

sambre tagged this thoughtful

I love your philosophy, your comments, and the dreamy quality of your pictures…

A long time ago

Lucile tagged this Alice au pays des merveilles

on the last shot, the shadow of your dog looks like a bunny rabbit. You’re like the road trip version of Alice in Wonderland =] x

A long time ago


Very unique outfits! So playful and I absolutely love the photography also.

A long time ago


That is *amaaaaazing* jacket!!!

A long time ago



A long time ago

Z tagged this nice paper jacket

LBD on a roadtrip, it’s absolutely incredible where you have gone this month, amazing!!

A long time ago

emmerelda tagged this The paper-bag princess (best heroine ever!!!!)

These photos are heartwrenchingly beautiful, and I love the colors, espacially in the fourth one. In teh last picture, you and your dog are like two warrior princesses setting out on a quest. I salute you, and wish you luck, my lady.

A long time ago

Farmer Beth

@ emmerelda–I had the exact same thought yesterday! Aki is channeling some incredible warrior energy, and that Pup is right along with her. The paper bag jacket is excellent–I’d love to see close-ups.

A long time ago

christine tagged this beautiful dreamer

i love your thoughts today. one standard of beauty is such an impossible concept. i too find old people beautiful as their experience shows on their face, their hands, their bodies. wrinkles are like road maps of people’s lives. love your style and your insight. xo

A long time ago

scary. tagged this is it as.

funny i have been having reoccurring conversations about beauty these last few days. and now here it is again. / “beauty is not caused. it is.” -E.D

A long time ago

Ashe tagged this Paper Power

Like the colours and the materials. Is the jacket really out of paper? Good, that it doesn’t snow or rain. 😉 Great pics, especially the emperess in the 5th. 🙂

A long time ago

aki tagged this <3

thanks for all the sweetness, everyone..so impressive. the paper bag jacket is made of trader joe’s paper bags 🙂 you can see the close up at catalogue page in http://akigoto.wordpress.com if u’d like <3

A long time ago

lise chan

love the texture here

A long time ago

Amoniel tagged this Awesomness

This is freaking coool!!!!!!!!! I love, love, love the jacket 😀
It shows such a sense of style, and I love that you made it out of paper bags! So inventive!

A long time ago