feels good
hello! it’s dec 28. only 4days left in 2010! how was your year? this year i’ve had so many things going on. fashion shows, art shows, music shows, moving the apt, so many parties, fires, friends, laughs, tears, thoughts… i got tired so much too. then i took some rest. i spent much time doing nothing. if i feel like it, i just follow my feeling even if i keep feeling it. and just try not to be impatient. so doing nothing never means nothing. i do nothing to do my best! i like to enjoy many things, but know that i can’t keep enjoying without rest. but at the same time, too much rest would be boring too. then i get to know every single feeling is just right for me. nothing is wrong because they are all coming from me. i focus on if it is really my feeling or not, then i just follow it, accept it, or try to let it go (this is the hardest one :)) the reason i need to know if it is my feeling or not is because it is about myself. it is about the center of myself. i want to keep my center clear then i feel good. yes i want to be feeling good. if i feel not clear, i don’t feel good. so this is for nobody else, just for myself.
this year, i learned how to be myself from many things that happened to me and didn’t happen to me. the bird in pic2 just reminds me that because he seems really not caring of things happening around. he knows what he should care. or maybe he doesn’t 😀 hope your year will be a great one till the end! and happy dec 28 xa
today’s outfit: my LBD, blue and denim shirt by akigoto, red stockings, black shoes
cute pocket in pic #4!!
A long time ago
nice to see the dress up close! hope we get to see a few closing donations. great month and great way for U.P to end the year. can’t wait to see what you will do with the LBD for new years eve!
A long time ago
jeans is not my favorite material, but here it is interesting and, again, I like the pictures.
A long time ago
so nice ! text to read and dress to see,
A long time ago