Monday, January 24th

Day 24

ala Bridget Riley

It’s an Optical Monday. I rearranged my room on a whim yesterday and I woke up feeling splendidly spaceous, so why not play with it a bit. It is approximately 6 degrees F outside and about as cold as winter comes. But fortunately sunny and rather divine.

I am so ready for this week, I don’t know about you, but it’s looking like a goodie to me. I’ve got visitors, and birthdays, and pitches, and this is my last week! So I suppose I have some hustling to do as well.

A bit of insider information, we just had a great discussion about the launch of this smoking suit/dress I’ve been wearing for the past 24 days and it’s going to be coming atcha in a hot minute.

The lady behind the look. xx.wasabipear

***Today’s outfit: LBD skirt worn as structural collar, shirt worn proper. Optical fitted dress. Pointy shoes with mini polka dots that you can’t see. African metal cuff with guinea fowl etchings.


canadiangirl tagged this tops

I love the skirt like that! It’s amazing – so inventive!

A long time ago


You are adorably photogenic and today’s is all too playful. Optical indeed! Can’t take my eyes off of yooooou, you’re just too good to be truuuuuue.

A long time ago


Top pick to date. smokin. literally. Bridget on line one.

A long time ago

scary. tagged this wide in the hood.

lookin fine honey chyle.

A long time ago

Modern Dowager tagged this Genius Chic

Wow. This suit and its wearer continue to amaze. Très très chic and super-sexy-smart.

A long time ago


by Far my fav of the month (so far). And today’s my b-day too! Thanks Jessica :).

A long time ago


i love Bridget Riley’s work, was lucky enough to see a retrospective here in Sydney some years ago. oh, and a very impressive reinterpretation of your lbd going on here!

A long time ago

wasabipear tagged this @annie

Happy Birthday! so great to hear you’re enjoying ^.^ i am as well.

A long time ago


love that last image!

A long time ago


Whoops, I think for me this is a miss. Do not like the Hoodie. I guess you have to use both pieces somehow. I think a Mini over the Dots might have looked nice. Or if you could have some how attached the skirt to the bottom to make a Maxi! On a lighter note, Great Legs Babe.

A long time ago


fabulous look today! especially considering how cold it is in NY.

good vibes for this week to all UP admirers!

A long time ago


Your absolutely best outfit!

A long time ago