Saturday, August 14th

Day 14


I quite like this hooded bit! a donation from the french designer Philippe Clause who is now working and living in Reykjavik. As you can probably tell from the detail shot, its handmade. To give it an ever so personal touch, bits of the material are from his mothers négligée… oh and bare feet are better for grass, so I won’t wear shoes all day!

Gingers do have Souls >


ina tagged this needs a little somethin’

love this and love it with the dress, but feel like it’s a little top-heavy – leggings would probably do the trick. or toenail colour.

A long time ago

anonymous tagged this snuffleupagus

love the bareness, the playfulness and the effortlessness!

A long time ago

sheena tagged this gingerpower

you look like you’re jumping off the pages of an Icelandic Manga. And that ginger video really made my day.

A long time ago

noa tagged this yay!

this picture (aided by the adorable background) has a sort of super-awesome-cartoony-surrealish quality, and i absolutely l o v e i t!

A long time ago

mm tagged this brilliant

great photo, great style, great backdrop. this really should be being blogged about by everyone even remotely interested in individual style.

A long time ago

mm tagged this oh yeah…

while we’re on the topic of gingers

A long time ago

kp tagged this complex

Hints at religious icon and little red riding hood at the same time!

A long time ago

Betty Anne tagged this Kawaii!

SO CUTE! <3 I also love going barefoot, and the bare feet work with this look!

A long time ago

Lyndranette tagged this interesting

very cool and creative. amazing how you wear the same dress everyday and I can hardly tell. try more jewerly. 🙂

A long time ago

Love tagged this daybydayandin everyway

We’re slacking back…yesterday was just mazing beautiful and then you thought I proved I can live up tp expectations let’s a pyjama – I am under my duvet look,,you’re not cutting girl – you’re on a fucking public platform aiming to intigate change through the way you dress – live up to it for god’s sake

A long time ago

nothater tagged this bringiton

What is should have said:
We’re slacking back…yesterday was just amazing beautiful and then you thought I proved I can live up tp expectations let’s do a pyjama day- I am under my duvet look,,you’re not it cutting girl – you’re on a fucking public platform aiming to instigate change through the way you dress – live up to it for god’s sake !!!

A long time ago

pl tagged this Cute

gorgeous, and you look so cozy! i’m 17 too and you’re a style inspiration 🙂 one of the most striking things is the fact you don’t wear dark mascara, it’s really individual and beautiful because fair eyelashes are so lovely. keep on keeping on!

A long time ago

Ashe tagged this Cute

@India: I’m totally content right now. After my post from the 4th day, where I was dissappointed about the diversity you showed, you totally got it on. I don’t know if you took my post to heart or if you just warmed up with the dress. However I’m happy with your everyday posts now. I’ve been reading some other commentators who are “flaming” you. Nothing against constructive criticism. But don’t listen to rude stuff. I think, you’re doing a great job now. Thanks for doing this! 🙂

A long time ago

Ashe tagged this Cute

@U.P.: Is it possible to get a mobile page? I can’t really view everything on this page over my iPhone but would love to keep track on my ways too.

A long time ago

wasabipear tagged this fill in the blanks

the background of this shot is like an enlarged coloring book. black and white graphics play off the outfit exquisitely. dots of color in shot no.4 are perfection. fav thus far.

A long time ago


@Ashe, we’re working on it!

A long time ago

ina tagged this your own thing

you seem to have some idea that this is supposed to be a fashion show; it sounds like you’re trying to commercialize and commodify something that’s supposed to be entirely individual and personal. The POINT of this exercise is to show that a person can wear a piece to her own satisfaction in her own style repeatedly – sustainably. If you want the kind of outrageous entertainment instead of a real exercise in making a difference, go turn on Desperate Housewives or something.

A long time ago

Betty Anne tagged this Just pointing out…

@ina – I think nothater was trying to point out that Love can’t handle the English language to save hir life – nothater’s tag says “bring it on” and the post is a grammatically-correct version of Love’s. Usually when people do that, they’re pointing out that the flamer doesn’t even have a moderate level of education, and thus hir comment doesn’t hold any weight.

A long time ago

Betty Anne tagged this My kingdom for an edit button!

Ugh. Wish there was a way to edit comments. Mine should have said, “an attempt at a grammatically-correct version.”

At any rate, there are going to be people who want to rag on India no matter what – there were plenty who ragged on Sheena. I think it’s probably better to just focus on the positive and ignore the haters.

A long time ago

KRS tagged this Try Harder

it looks like you took the first accessory you saw and put it on. try taking more time

A long time ago

Susanna tagged this Cute

KRS, it was a *gift* and she’s showing gratitude [not to mention, spunk and dedication and priorities-in-order…]. What’s your problem?

A long time ago

christine tagged this homemade goodness

love it! favourite picture so far (#4), favourite background and favourite accessory – made all the more special knowing the personal details incorporated into the design…i’m a sucker for homemade…

A long time ago

Poppygirl tagged this Batty

A bit weird but hey!!! I don’t envy your challenge.

A long time ago

Olivia tagged this Cute

Oh how cute but not to girly! black and white in all it’s mighty. and gosh the backgrounds seem to change. they are to awesome I don’t even notice them at first

A long time ago

Amoniel tagged this Brave


A long time ago