Word Up!
I’m getting very comfortable in my dress so I stripped off the layers for a change. It showcases my favorite accessories so far. Earrings from the endlessly talented Camp Out There Collective and a beautiful pleather woven belt that is making me feel like a back up dancer in Cameo!
Its been one crazy week and I’m really looking forward to getting twisted with some fruits & veggies. There’s something satisfying about pushing a beet into the juicer with that plastic club thing and watching it be reborn as red stuff.. Kinda like the end of T2. I’m hosting a juice social at my shop on Sunday. It’s amazing what happens when you take a few leftover stalks of celery, some tomatillos, a lil citrus… juice em all together.. It actually tastes totally amazing and makes a surprising cocktail as well. Plus its WAY cheaper than buying some fancy juice from the grocery store! If you’re nearby come on out and detox/retox. Create some nutritious delicious experimental juices with me and pitch in for City Harvest! If you cant make it to our first physical fundraiser, donate through U.P.
thanks again to Levi Mandel for taking these great pictures and also letting me borrow your famous homies poster for 3 months. Earings by Camp Out There available at MOVES shoes from Beacons Closet and vintage beltdonated from ebay GT!
hello! it’s a dress again. i really like the simplicity of this look. grrreat accessories and backdrop too
A long time ago
looks great, but I miss your smile.
A long time ago
Hey holly! Thanks so much I love my LBD all by itself, and love it even more with this little touch of red. PS the backdrop is the entryway to my store, I wish it could be the wallpaper in my apartment!!
A long time ago
LOVE those earrings!
A long time ago
really an amazing dress. also–sweet belt!
A long time ago
This looks great. A touch of colour can be just right. And I love red.
A long time ago
Very nice- Simple but good. I love your look.
A long time ago
the dress looks really gorgeous here and elegant with the accessories.
A long time ago
you look gorgeous but I agree with Shellie that I too miss your smile..those earrings are stunning!
A long time ago
You look very 80s New Wave!
A long time ago
this looks really great:)
cool dress and accessories
A long time ago
Love it!
A long time ago