Off to Iceland!
Long story short I missed my flight yesterday, so I am very happy to finally be off to Iceland. Today I am wearing the dress snapped up on the bottom and pushed into a romper, and again, I have tied the front flaps into a knot. I have been thinking the flaps look a lot like the ears of a black cat, possibly luna, sailor moons cat? I think if I get a crescent moon pin to put at the middle of the neckline it would really look like luna. Maybe luna can be the dress’s middle name? Anyway you are probably more interested in the bag. It’s my father’s, it’s water proof and fits all of my stuff so I like it. I don’t know exactly where it’s from but somewhere in Japan I think. The best part is the way it looks like something a futuristic santa claus would use…
Have a safe trip!! That’s one serious bag there… Love how convertible the dress is, and love the fresh and happy attitude!
A long time ago
You look like a breath of fresh air. I love the splash of red as well as neckwear and shoes. Delightful! Have a good flight…xo
A long time ago
Wow, I did not realize the versatility of this dress until now! The bag definitely adds a little something to the outfit and the back-story of the outfit. Have a great time in Iceland!
A long time ago
Ever wonder why Iceland is all green and Greenland is all icey? Looking forward to the iceland dailies…
A long time ago
you are so adorable – I love love LOVE that dress – the romper is wonderful! keep up the good work, lady!
A long time ago
I like the whole color scheme … the cute romper with the bright red bag. And of course THAT HAIR! love it!
A long time ago
because whoever discovered them knew the general world public would probably f*uck up iceland’s beauty, so to deter they called the island ice and the real land of ice green. something along those lines anyway.. but sure who knows, they probably just did it for the craic. 😉
A long time ago
The snapped-up romper look of this dress is fantastic! I hope you packed a couple of pair of shoes other than the ones you’re wearing – I’d hate to see them get wrecked trekking around Iceland! (Or your feet get wrecked, for that matter. ^^; ) Can’t wait to see your posts from Iceland itself!
A long time ago
I imagine packing must have been somewhat easier for this trip? Safe travels!
A long time ago
oh. my. god. this is adorable! i can’t get over those mismatched shoes and the dress looks so… i don’t know, cheerful (?) as a romper. hope you have a safe journey to iceland!
A long time ago
India you are SO cute! Hope you make it to Iceland today… can’t wait to see those pics! I think the romper is my favourite version of this dress, but I’ll wait til tomorrow to see what you do with it.
A long time ago
i used to want to be Mrs. Santa Clause when i grew up. i kind of still do if i can use that red sac during the off season.
A long time ago
@sheena + @scary. -> Leif Erikson did it.
A long time ago
that is one excellent dress! i’d love to see a close up of your jewellery too. watch out for volcanoes…
A long time ago
I love how changeable the dress in itself is! And Sailor Moon, ahhhhh~! 🙂
A long time ago
Romper as in pants-like? I can’t imagine traveling all that way in a short skirt! I hope it’s comfy for the trip and I wish you safe travel. Cheers –
A long time ago
@jengle, nah i think it was leif’s da that did it.. EirÃkr Þorvaldsson aka Eric the Red. red like his hair and that of ms.india’s. meaning his people were probably originally irish. 😉 annnyway story goes he killed someone in iceland was outlawed for 3 yrs, so he headed off and discovered greenland – (circa 982) which he named like so to attract settlers..
A long time ago
being schooled since 1983.
A long time ago
.. probably cos he was lonely an all, anyway as far as i can gather the murder wasn’t his fault – it was hereditary cos HIS parents fled from norway to iceland after killing people too. but anyway his ‘green’ (very ahead of his time) PR stunt worked and people did move to greenland. and they all lived happily ever after. -well for 1000 years or so, then climate change kicked in and wrecked the buzz.. :/
A long time ago
Love the romper version of your uniform. Love the awesome shoes. LOVE the bag. Most of all – love your daily notes! Bon voyage! Have a great trip!
A long time ago
You are like a futuristic Santa Moon Goddess!!! I loved the versatility of the collar flaps on previous days, and my jaw just dropped when you turned this into a romper. I also love the fact that you just picked up a pair of shoes from the street, and they fit– wow. Wow.
A long time ago
That looks like a dry bag that kyakers use! Anyway I love how convertabile the dress is. It wouldn’t work for me, but it looks great. Best of luck and have fun!
A long time ago
Super Adorable!
A long time ago
I love the touches of red to go with the bag, especially the mismatched shoes. Did they come like that or did you change them yourself? Also love the Sailor Moon reference!
A long time ago
i like the way you made the dress into a romper i also like the mismatched shoes… and the necklace
A long time ago
cute look.
A long time ago
Hi India, I’ve bought one of your dresses and am trying to button it up into the way you have done into this romper but without success. Is there anyway you could email me a diagram or some photos to show me please.
A long time ago