Thursday, January 13th

Day 13

Love you, mean it

Have I told you guys how much I’m enjoying your comments and engagement and support and all that other warm fuzzy stuff?! Seriously, without all of you we wouldn’t still be running strong, so take a minute and give yourself snaps.

I’d particularly like to thank my awesome family who are all being ridiculous supportive from the big TX and the littler PA. I’d also like to thank the boyz at work who always tease me in the best way possible, especially Mr. Joe who donated yesterday. I’d also like to thank my lovely ladies who always have my back and of course, my electric sequins back home. I’d also like to thank the academy… ^.~

Get down with your bad selves! xx.wasabipear

***Today’s outfit: LBD worn with both zips to front. Amazing cashmere shawl, scarf, head wrap extravaganza. Hand me down boots from another Sarah. Edelweiss over the top >

P.S Huge congrats to Tara St. James, she just won the 2011 Ecco Domani Fashion Award for her stunning collection StudyNY >


Farmer Beth tagged this Audrey?

I know it was actually a few days ago that you were intentionally channeling her in the Funny Face installment, but I think if she were alive and young today, she’d also be wearing exactly this. The shawl over your head highlights your beautiful big eyes.

A long time ago


You’re so beautiful! With that scarf on your head like that, you could easily play the virgin mary.

A long time ago

Payal tagged this Love you too, mean it.

At this point I think you could wear a shower curtain and make it work. Your outfit today is so super simple, but gloves and head wrap extravaganza just blow it out of this world. Good work!
Yayy for Tara St James! I absolutely love her creations! Congrats!

A long time ago

Ruby tagged this yay!

Well YOU are the one that make us want to comment! No one said anything about your sassy gloves yet. How was your night last night!? Did the outfit help?

A long time ago

emmerelda tagged this Dove

I love the pictures today!!!!! You look very pretty and artsy in them. I like the coat, and few people can wear a headscarf with such style!

A long time ago

wasabipear tagged this @Ruby

oh my, it was phenomenal! yes, the outfit totally helped me snap out of “it” and also, today was a perfectly splendid day. It’s amazing how much just being in a good mood makes good things come your way. Cheesy maybe, but so true o:)

A long time ago


this is ADORABLE! as always. 🙂

A long time ago

alofton tagged this TLYMIG

You are throwing it down and turning it out! I continue to be amazed, impressed and inspired! Can you make a little black suit for men? I wanna do it! So fun + a good cause;) The electric sequins miss your face!

A long time ago


I really love it, again. The shawl, the boots, the jacket. Yeah and I have to say, the shawl suits your blue eyes really well. 🙂

A long time ago