Wednesday, April 14th

Day 349
This day belongs to kraedim.


What’s this?

During Sheena’s year-long challenge, we made 365 limited edition copies of the little black dress. U.P friends who purchased a dress could ‘own’ a day from Sheena’s dailies, as a way to memorialize their support. The funds raised from dress sales were also put towards supporting the kids :)

Black and blue

Vintage scarf donated by Tiffany from Old Hollywood. Tights from Sockdreams and vintage pumps from the east village.

Last day at the Auction:
Only a few hours left before auction closes! Have you place you final bids? Visit the auction >

This day belongs to kraedim.


What’s this?

During Sheena’s year-long challenge, we made 365 limited edition copies of the little black dress. U.P friends who purchased a dress could ‘own’ a day from Sheena’s dailies, as a way to memorialize their support. The funds raised from dress sales were also put towards supporting the kids :)


Payal tagged this Simply awesome!

I love how the looks are getting simplified – but are still so outta the world! Love it…and I don’t even like pink! P.S: Happy Vishu (new year!)! I’ll be up bidding all night again!

Posted 3570 days ago.


OK, placed my bids… forgot last time!

Posted 3570 days ago.


@ Payal, good luck with your bidding, your posts have been full of enthusiasm!

Posted 3570 days ago.

Payal tagged this @holly

Thanks! And your have been very supportive. Hope you get what you bid for too!

Posted 3570 days ago.



Posted 3570 days ago.

christine tagged this pink lady

love these colours together. they’re so cheerful. and, like many others, i covet covet covet the tights collection…

Posted 3570 days ago.

Jesse tagged this Amazing

I absolutely love this outfit. It has spunk and a springy flare that i even just enjoy looking at!

Posted 3570 days ago.

noa tagged this sweet

purple and pink are my very favorite colors and this reminds me of a candy shop. very sweet and warm… and that bandana is something else.

Posted 3570 days ago.



Posted 3570 days ago.


love the colors!

Posted 3570 days ago.

Janice tagged this Cute

Love this! And the color looks great on you!

Posted 3570 days ago.

Tori tagged this Cute

This is something I would definitely wear!

Posted 3570 days ago.

bb tagged this Cute

hey world i’m tired of this black and blue, black and blue. <3 beautiful scarf.

Posted 3570 days ago.

Irene tagged this pretty and sweet

I love your scarf. And the pink is perfect for Anti-Bullying Day.

Posted 3569 days ago.

pimientaconcerezas tagged this Cute

Like the summery looks these days…very cute… it reminds me of the violets outside my window.
Btw, this weekend is Munich’s popular, annual superbig flea market across the space where they usually have Oktoberfest. The stand fees go to charity and I wish you could go see it – more than 2500 stands for you to find accessoires! Its quite the atmostphere. I am participating with a friend, we are going to camp out the night before so we get a good spot and we will donate 10% of everything we sell to the UP!

Posted 3569 days ago.

Ece tagged this excellent

I love the socks and shoes! they’re lovely and super cool!

Posted 3569 days ago.

speedy tagged this like the shoes!

Love the scarf & tights! Xx

Posted 3569 days ago.

Red-J tagged this FULLY NICE !


Posted 3569 days ago.

ruby tagged this Cute

eagerly awaiting my hat that i won in the auctions 🙂

even though i find the fuschia a little 80s – you still look stunning Sheena… le sigh

ps. how are those control words generated? today: bummers diet !

Posted 3567 days ago.

gruvee tagged this tres cute

something I’d wear

Posted 3567 days ago.

Flavia tagged this Cute


Posted 3566 days ago.

kate tagged this perky

i love your idea very much but i don’t think i could wear the same thing everyday. So bonus points go to you.

Posted 3561 days ago.

Allie tagged this Cute

love the tights!

Posted 3557 days ago.