Hello Ducky
Bomber jacket made from a vintage sari designed by Miriam Strehlau. See more from Miriam at miriam-strehlau.com. Harem pants from Scary, another pair of harlequin madness from Sockdreams and vintage gold pumps donated by Jessica Carroll.
Tomorrow is March 1st : LBD Day!
From the people, by the people, for the people. Tomorrow, it’s your turn to deck out your own LBD. Take a picture and be ready, we will have instructions tomorrow on where to post your shots!
Happy Birthday, Seany boy.
Your Feb 19th outfit is by far the best!
Posted 3610 days ago.
love the 3rd pic and whole outfit!!!
Posted 3610 days ago.
Oh my, I do hope to be able to send you my LBD photo even if I’m not into Facebook….. My sweet little Indian Warrior Princess!!!!!! Xox
Posted 3610 days ago.
Hi Sheena and U.P. people, I’ve been following you since June and ruthlessly stole loads of ideas from you. so now, my time to do my bit. I’m running my first ever half marathon on 25th April and i’ve decided to give the money i’d raise to your cause. hopefully my little effort will help to send one more kiddy to school. love today’s jacket by the way. =]
Posted 3610 days ago.
Have only come to appreciate the extent of your talent and creativity and your eye for mixing and matching yesterday as I was digging into a pile of clothes (donated the same day by my wonderful and much shorter flatmate in prep for LBD 1st March) on my bedroom floor in a state of total disarray wondering what would Sheena do with this? What was wonderful is the feeling of freedom…anyhting goes and surender…wearing someone else’s choice in clothes and feeling it’s not all about me anymore and it’s ok.. I am becoming part of the whole.. fusion through fashion..
Posted 3610 days ago.
Whoa! The little black dress blends in so well with the pants. Oh and I got some harem pants too yesterday, and today was the first day I wore them
Posted 3610 days ago.
I love the “link” between that flashy jacket & those colorful socks..needless to say,the gold pumps are fabulous with the rest of the accessories..BTW, All the Luck in the world for THE GREAT LBD DAY tomorrow!!!
Posted 3610 days ago.
I LOVE love love love that jacket.
Posted 3610 days ago.
@ Lilou let us know if you have a FB page for your marathon fundraising so we can support you and Good Luck with the preparation!!!
Posted 3610 days ago.
I remember those socks from one of your earliest posts. And what a great jacket!
Posted 3610 days ago.
the third picture sold me.
Posted 3610 days ago.
Fabulous jacket!!
Posted 3610 days ago.
The pants looks like diapers
Posted 3610 days ago.
Posted 3610 days ago.
Sporty yet chic, I absolutely adore this one!
Posted 3610 days ago.
I’m already in my LBD…LOVE THIS FEELING! It took me so long to get this right – and you almost fooled me into thinking it was so easy! Can’t wait to post the photos!
Love that jacket! And the burst of colour from the socks is just genius! Love it!
Posted 3610 days ago.
Looks comfy for a Sunday! The slippers look like something a genii would wear!
Posted 3610 days ago.
my kinda style! 😉
Posted 3610 days ago.
The black dress looks unnecessary in this get up. Sort of defeats the whole point of the idea of wearing one dress for a year…
Posted 3610 days ago.
p.s happy birthday seáneen!!
Posted 3610 days ago.
Love the Jacket! HATE the pants!!!!
Posted 3610 days ago.
@ladro–yeah, cuz if sheena was wearing the jacket unzipped, for example, as she is in shots 2-4, she definitely wouldn’t need the dress because exposed flesh in NY this time of year isn’t just alluring, it’s also very practical.
Posted 3610 days ago.
MC Hammer called & he’s going to steal your outfit when you’re not looking….
Posted 3610 days ago.
WOW! I love that jacket! This outfit is something straight off the runway… Bravo!!!!!
Posted 3610 days ago.
Another gorgeous jacket from Miriam! Oh how I wish I had one!
Posted 3610 days ago.
nice……3rd pic’s the charm…….
Posted 3610 days ago.
@wendie, if hammer calls again tell him he can’t touch this… that jacket is mine once sheena blinks. LOVE it. 😉 p.s sheena, ya hair is beyond fabulous and all over the armani campagin on some hot model in today’s style mag with the times. au courant darlin!
Posted 3610 days ago.
love how your seed of an idea has bloomed into its own grassroots movement and sown itself around the world. let’s all show our own individual beauty tomorrow!
Posted 3610 days ago.
forgot to mention the new do: love it! wish i had a botanist/hairdresser in my little town. edward scissorhands always was the coolest in my opinion.
Posted 3610 days ago.
Great socks!
How do you guys feel about posting a chart that documents the weekly fundraising progress up until now – maybe it will be a wake-up call when we see how the curve has flattened these past 6 weeks?
Posted 3609 days ago.
wow, this is awesome!
Posted 3609 days ago.
I can only image all that vintage sari has seen, but surely none more razzle dazzle than you my love. Let the LBD Monday commence!
Posted 3609 days ago.
LBD Day?!! Great idea for a gray Monday!!! When are we going to be able to get our own LB uniform? Wanting, waiting…
Posted 3609 days ago.
I got some harem pants too yesterday, and today was the first day I wore them..
flash drive
Posted 3605 days ago.