Saturday, January 23rd

Day 268
This day belongs to Ellen Courtney.


What’s this?

During Sheena’s year-long challenge, we made 365 limited edition copies of the little black dress. U.P friends who purchased a dress could ‘own’ a day from Sheena’s dailies, as a way to memorialize their support. The funds raised from dress sales were also put towards supporting the kids :)

Longing for spring

Handmade scarf made from recycled jersey donated by Mariama Tushemeriirwe. Visit her site at belt, thigh highs from Sockdreams and vintage pumps from eBay.

This day belongs to Ellen Courtney.


What’s this?

During Sheena’s year-long challenge, we made 365 limited edition copies of the little black dress. U.P friends who purchased a dress could ‘own’ a day from Sheena’s dailies, as a way to memorialize their support. The funds raised from dress sales were also put towards supporting the kids :)


holly tagged this don’t take it seriously!

Sometimes your ideas are so wacky they make me laugh; this is one of them! Love to see you having fun with fashion.

Posted 3636 days ago.

Melissa tagged this Brave

This is amazing!!

Posted 3636 days ago.

grace tagged this Batty

love love love the scarf … absolutely beautiful!!!

Posted 3636 days ago.

prutha tagged this Brave

love the shoes!!

Posted 3636 days ago.

Linda from SA tagged this Cute

Interesting titbits! Like the overall look of this.

Posted 3636 days ago.

Irene tagged this Hot

An eye-catcher.

Posted 3636 days ago.

Ladro tagged this Dressing in the dark

Not working for me, but great to see how many kids you’re helping.

Posted 3635 days ago.

rosie tagged this rad

so funky. love the scarf and shoes. the socks add a good touch. but the shoes, so great. love it all, girl

Posted 3635 days ago.

Gracie tagged this Hot

I would be scared to wear this myself, but you pull it off perfectly.

Posted 3635 days ago.

ammakke tagged this cool

Still jetlagged??get plenty sleep & eat well, Sheena.Looks like spring istaking its own time but we do deserve a good one..U look thinner in today’s outfit (sorry) but love those thigh highs.

Posted 3635 days ago.

Noa tagged this Cute

This is so cool. I love the scarf and socks.

Posted 3635 days ago.

Lizzie Roberts-Garth tagged this Hot

GORGEOUS! I swere some of the things you put together are GENIUS! 😀

Posted 3635 days ago.

okaylau tagged this Hot

Belt. Belt. Belt. Belt. 🙂

Posted 3635 days ago.

Jessica tagged this Brooklyn

If you can’t wrap your head around this, you need to spend some time in the B.K.L.Y.N.

Posted 3635 days ago.

beinzstalk (NZ) tagged this Zanny yellow

Great to see yellow. Love the jersey scarf. Shoes and thigh highs go perfectly.

Posted 3635 days ago.

Victoria tagged this Cute

i think that the yellow scarf completes the outfit.

Posted 3635 days ago.

Noelle tagged this Unique

Interesting & unique paring of elements…individually I like them all but the combo would be overbearing on me but you carry it off splendidly!!!

Posted 3635 days ago.

Lorelei tagged this wicked

So adorable and fun! I love those heels and the scarf.

Posted 3635 days ago.

carissa tagged this loco cocoa

not too crazy about this it’s a little too busy bam bam boom not good

Posted 3635 days ago.

Anonymous tagged this shoes r hot

i like those heals though

Posted 3635 days ago.

Nina tagged this Chic

Love this outfit, combination of yellow and blue on the black. Very chic. xoxo

Posted 3634 days ago.

Anonymous tagged this Awesome

I love the combination of blue and yellow, especially the stockings over stockings.

Posted 3634 days ago.

moon tagged this Batty

wow crazzzyyyy!!! love the scarf and pattern of the tights!

Posted 3634 days ago.

Nana Soma tagged this Brave

One of my favorites!

Posted 3634 days ago.

Hanne Grohshennig tagged this Brave

Great idea! And for a good cause! ave you head about “Heart for India foundation”? They help indiah children through different programs. Maybe you can do something together?

Posted 3633 days ago.

🙂 tagged this Brave

All the different pieces don’t go too well together, but I like each piece on its own.

Posted 3602 days ago.


i really love that scarf

Posted 3582 days ago.