Sunday, January 10th

Day 255
This day belongs to KatrinaH.

"love love love this hat! And those boots! Such a cute outfit :)"

What’s this?

During Sheena’s year-long challenge, we made 365 limited edition copies of the little black dress. U.P friends who purchased a dress could ‘own’ a day from Sheena’s dailies, as a way to memorialize their support. The funds raised from dress sales were also put towards supporting the kids :)

Showdown at the Banjara stand

Handmade shibori silk scarf donated by Kate of Urban Gypsy, necklace made from vintage kimonos donated by Leeyong Soo and cinch belt donated by Cat.

This day belongs to KatrinaH.

"love love love this hat! And those boots! Such a cute outfit :)"

What’s this?

During Sheena’s year-long challenge, we made 365 limited edition copies of the little black dress. U.P friends who purchased a dress could ‘own’ a day from Sheena’s dailies, as a way to memorialize their support. The funds raised from dress sales were also put towards supporting the kids :)


ana tagged this 🙂


Posted 3649 days ago.

Sarah tagged this Adorable

I think the picture with the other woman is pretty great. 🙂 She just looks so angry, and you’re all sunshine-y.
And I adore the hat. I’ve been looking for one for eons!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Charlotte tagged this Cute

Great outfit, I love your hat !

Posted 3649 days ago.

tommy tagged this Cute


Posted 3649 days ago.

Eithne tagged this Cute

Love the accessories’ colours today. Hat’s great, too. And i just adore the lovely colourful things behind you! I used to wear that kind of stuff when i was younger, but nowadays I can’t seem to blend them into office wear without breaching a dress code or two.

Posted 3649 days ago.

Meira tagged this Cute

i love the addition of the belt!!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Mia tagged this Cute

Haha the third picture is great! And I love the idea of the kimono necklace, looks great today!

Posted 3649 days ago.

gruvee tagged this Cute

Love the necklace!
I’ve gotten so used to seeing you in tights/pants/socks, it was a surprise to see you bare-legged… and wondered if the lady was angry at you.

Posted 3649 days ago.

Tally’s Place tagged this confident

I love all the bright colors…you look ready to take on the world.

Posted 3649 days ago.

Bronwyn tagged this Cute

You are incredible! This rocks so much! I love the colour! 4th picture is my fav. 3rd one a little bit awkward.

Posted 3649 days ago.

Janet tagged this Cute

LOVE IT!!! Love the outfit with the colourful background!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Anonymous tagged this Hot

I love the outfit, especially behind the backdrop of colours 🙂

Posted 3649 days ago.

abigail tagged this gorgeous :)))))))

gorgeous :)))))) ~ this color is what i was waiting for ~ and this is why i dream about travelling to india one day ~~~

Posted 3649 days ago.

Rachel tagged this Cute

soo cute ,
like it !

Posted 3649 days ago.

ammakke tagged this Colors & more colors!!

That’s a fair play of colors…The 2nd picture is my favourite..Can’t really guess the emotion on your “friend’s” face in the third one.I wouldn’t think it’s anger as two of our viewers suggest.Wonder what is the med. of conversation! BTW R U still in Goa??That scarf is gorgeous.

Posted 3649 days ago.

Sarah T tagged this Hot Hot Hot

Oh Wow! My favorite so far!!!!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Janice tagged this Cute

Just the cure for winter doldrums!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Dee tagged this Cute

I think this is really cute! Although, I’m a bit prudish and am blushing from all the skin you’re showing. 🙂

Posted 3649 days ago.

Cinnibarr tagged this Scandalous

Wow….you’re pretty daring. I’ve spent some time in India and Nepal and I would NEVER show that much skin in public in either of those places. No wonder that woman is frowning.

Posted 3649 days ago.

kc tagged this five stars


Posted 3649 days ago.

kay tagged this Cute

third picture is quite funny… love it!

Posted 3649 days ago.

scary. tagged this banjara bling.

sweetie what are ya doin showing so much skin!! for the love of god cover it up – colm is morto. hahaaa! what are people like, seriously, sorry am i living in 2010? or maybe i missed something… i hope you got some good accessory advice from your friend in photo 3, lady knows how to work it! and remember if ya got it flaunt it! werrrrk!

Posted 3649 days ago.

RogueTess tagged this Cute

Love the scarf and belt combo!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Irene tagged this cultural adventure.

I absolutely LOVE the necklace and the scarf. The colourful pictures are gorgeous today. And I think this is my favourite pairing with the cinch belt.

Posted 3649 days ago.


Great photos, especially the third one. fantastic necklace today.

Posted 3649 days ago.

Anonymous tagged this Cute

Beautiful, Sheena. The hat is really cute, and it’s nice to see the dress that this project is about.

Posted 3649 days ago.

Sue tagged this Hot

Wonderful blending colors in the accessories.

Posted 3649 days ago.

erin tagged this Cute

that whole scene is just awesome. love the hat!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Pro-Portional Designs tagged this Hot

One of my absolute favourites yet!

Posted 3649 days ago.


WOW – This really shows how short the Uniform is, but I love all the colors!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Payal tagged this Hot

Mmmm India! What better way to see the colours! Hope you’re having a great time! I absolutely love that belt. It’s always worked with all of your different looks! P.S: Don’t worry ladies, she’ll be fine flaunting those legs in Mumbai and Goa (for most parts). Just put them behind skirts and tights when you’re in Kerala! Enjoyyyyy!

Posted 3649 days ago.

Taylah tagged this Cute

OMG! Thats heaps cute. I love it SO much

Posted 3649 days ago.

ameg tagged this Cute

good, very good¡¡

Posted 3648 days ago.

jenny tagged this Vintage

it’s very stylish with your vintage boots !
xoxo from France

Posted 3648 days ago.

Leeyong Soo of Fourth Daughter

Love how you’ve styled this!! Looks amazing! Just to let you know, the necklace BRAND name is Fourth Daughter, not Leeyong Soo!!

Posted 3648 days ago.

Sandy tagged this Cute

Sheena, love your creativity but I notice you don’t look after your shoes. They look better and last longer with polish and care.

Posted 3648 days ago.

ta tagged this Cute

absolutely love this!

Posted 3648 days ago.

kc tagged this in defense…

… of those (beautiful) boots.

@Sandy: The scuff marks on those boots are part of their warn-in charm. They are absolutely perfect and don’t need a drop of polish.

And also, the dress is NOT that short. It’s finger-tip length. If I remember correctly, that’s acceptable by even US high school standards.

Posted 3648 days ago.

Gina tagged this Cute

I LOVE this outfit! It’s casual but chic. Perfect for every day wear. Thanks for the inspiration!

Posted 3648 days ago.

Linda tagged this Cute

Love this photo – the colors of the bazaar are so reflective of the colors you are wearing!

Posted 3648 days ago.

wasabipear tagged this A La Marché

“I always said, there is money IN the Banjara stand.”

Posted 3648 days ago.

ariele tagged this Cute

yeaaah ! that’s so cool 🙂
simple but original too

Posted 3648 days ago.

Mariah tagged this Cute

Just love the boots (in my Top Five Favs of your footwear!) with all the rosy colors.

Posted 3648 days ago.

moon tagged this Cute

awwwwwwww you fit in perfectly with the bazaar setting!

Posted 3648 days ago.

Mara tagged this Hot

I love this one! Very cute!

Posted 3648 days ago.

Tina Sequeira tagged this Hot

U sizzle!

Posted 3647 days ago.

polly tagged this Wowzers!!

Sexy! Love the length of the uniform when it’s cinched with the belt, love the boots & hat, love the whole outfit! I also love the color of the belt & scarf with your skin tone. Beautiful! Well done!

Posted 3647 days ago.

okaylau tagged this sssiiizzzzllinnnggg

I looove the third photo! Considering it freakishly cold here in North America, I’m definitely feeling this look. 😀

Posted 3647 days ago.

vintage girl

Brilliant! Beautiful colors. Love the necklace & boots.

Posted 3645 days ago.

Kaitlyn tagged this Cute

Love it! Unique but still classy. One of my favorites!

Posted 3645 days ago.